Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management

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Keyword: learning

Research Article
Research Article
Research Article

Improving Seasonal Influenza Forecasting Using Time Series Machine Learning Techniques

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 9, Issue 4, Article No: 30195

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Research Article
Research Article

Design and Application of Interactive Cultural Heritage Education Gamified Learning System

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 9, Issue 2, Article No: 25509

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Research Article

Research on Optimization of Boundary Detection and Dangerous Area Warning Algorithms Based on Deep Learning in Campus Security System

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 8, Issue 4, Article No: 22898

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Literature Review

How Machine Learning (ML) is Transforming Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 8, Issue 2, Article No: 21168

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Research Article
Research Article
Research Article

Instructional Design for a Virtual Teaching-Learning Environment (VTLE): Process, Structure And Validation By Experts

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 7, Issue 4, Article No: 18027

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Literature Review

Thematic Trends Around Gamification in MOOC: A Bibliometric Analysis

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 7, Issue 4, Article No: 18034

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Research Article

Questionnaire Results (QEP) and the socio-economic problems of students in Higher Education in the time COVID-19

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 7, Issue 3, Article No: 16988

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Research Article

Evolution of the Perceptions about Tourist Destinations Affected by Risk Events Using a PANAS-tDL Deep Learning Model

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 6, Issue 3, Article No: em0144

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Research Article

Using Different Models of Machine Learning to Predict Attendance at Medical Appointments

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 5, Issue 4, Article No: em0122

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Research Article

Estimated Maintenance Costs of Brazilian Highways Using Machine Learning Algorithms

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 5, Issue 3, Article No: em0119

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Research Article

University Extension Activities in Higher Education: Open Pathways for Lifelong Learning

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 5, Issue 2, Article No: em0115

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Research Article
Research Article

An Ensemble Predictive Model Based Prototype for Student Drop-out in Secondary Schools

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 4, Issue 3, Article No: em0094

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Research Article

Computer Programming Learning: How to Apply Gamification on Online Courses?

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 3, Issue 2, Article No: 11

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Research Article

Implementing a Data Network Infrastructure Course using a Problem-based Learning Methodology

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 3, Issue 2, Article No: 10

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Research Article

Virtual Learning Spaces Creation Based on the Systematic Population of an Ontology

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 3, Issue 1, Article No: 07

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Research Article

Relational Algebra Teaching Support Tool

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 2, Issue 2, Article No: 8

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Research Article

Learning Information Systems: Designing Education Programs Using Letrinhas

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 2, Issue 1, Article No: 6

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Research Article
Research Article

Proposed methodology for learning english with the use of TICs. Case: Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 1, Issue 4, Article No: 47

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Research Article

Analytics of biometric data from wearable devices to support teaching and learning activities

J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG, Volume 1, Issue 1, pp. 41-54

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