Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management

The Role of Cross-cultural Leadership and Leader-member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Performance in the Era of Big Data and AI Integration: A Study of Chinese Companies' Investments in South Korea
Peng Gao 1 *
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1 Ph.D candidate, Seoul Business School, Seoul School of Integrated Sciences and Technologies, Seoul, Republic of Korea
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Research Article

Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 2024 - Volume 9 Issue 2, Article No: 24617

Published Online: 22 Apr 2024

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Gao, 2024)
Reference: Gao, P. (2024). The Role of Cross-cultural Leadership and Leader-member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Performance in the Era of Big Data and AI Integration: A Study of Chinese Companies' Investments in South Korea. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 9(2), 24617.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Gao P. The Role of Cross-cultural Leadership and Leader-member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Performance in the Era of Big Data and AI Integration: A Study of Chinese Companies' Investments in South Korea. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2024;9(2):24617.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Gao P. The Role of Cross-cultural Leadership and Leader-member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Performance in the Era of Big Data and AI Integration: A Study of Chinese Companies' Investments in South Korea. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2024;9(2), 24617.
In-text citation: (Gao, 2024)
Reference: Gao, Peng. "The Role of Cross-cultural Leadership and Leader-member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Performance in the Era of Big Data and AI Integration: A Study of Chinese Companies' Investments in South Korea". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management 2024 9 no. 2 (2024): 24617.
In-text citation: (Gao, 2024)
Reference: Gao, P. (2024). The Role of Cross-cultural Leadership and Leader-member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Performance in the Era of Big Data and AI Integration: A Study of Chinese Companies' Investments in South Korea. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 9(2), 24617.
In-text citation: (Gao, 2024)
Reference: Gao, Peng "The Role of Cross-cultural Leadership and Leader-member Exchange in Enhancing Organizational Performance in the Era of Big Data and AI Integration: A Study of Chinese Companies' Investments in South Korea". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, vol. 9, no. 2, 2024, 24617.
In the rapidly changing big data and artificial intelligence integration landscape, this study examines how leader-member interactions and cross-cultural leadership affect organizational performance in Chinese enterprises investing in South Korea. A deductive study interviewed and polled Chinese company employees in South Korea, but the lack of cross-cultural comparison analysis and response bias may limit generalizability. These leadership styles address critical issues like data security, big data use, and information system integration, according to the paper. Overall, 552 Chinese businesspeople in South Korea across industries participated in the statistical analysis. The findings demonstrate how cross-cultural leadership promotes teamwork in diverse teams. Leader-member interactions affect job satisfaction and performance. As Chinese companies expand into South Korea and adapt to a new economy and culture, the study recommends leader-member exchange and cross-cultural leadership. The study emphasises leadership and connections for Chinese companies seeking cross-cultural success. Bias and cross-cultural analysis should be considered in future research on emerging technology and cultural diversity. These recommendations aim to refine and expand research in this dynamic subject to help Chinese companies navigate South Korean business amid technological advances.
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