Short Message Service (SMS) Health Awareness for Chronic Kidney Decease of Uncertain Etiology (CKDu) Patients in Sri Lanka
Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 2021 - Volume 6 Issue 4, Article No: em0146
Published Online: 02 Dec 2021
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The fatal Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) grounds for deaths and lowering life expectancy for a considerable amount of people in Sri Lanka. Continuing care and awareness of the disease helps to maintain reasonable control over the condition and prevent complications. The patient often receives such attention only at a medical clinic or doctor’s visits. Hence, it is essential to identify alternatives for awareness of CKD patients. Here, we use SMS as a popular mobile technology tool to enhance the life expectancy of patients by improving their health. The study was carried out on a SMS group on 300 CKD patients who registered in CKD clinic, Nephrology and Transplantation Unit, Teaching Hospital Kandy for the analysis. The Independent t–test was applied to evaluate the impact of SMS awareness program. Then, the Paired t-test was conducted to evaluate the significance of results given by the independent t–test. The results revealed that the SMS awareness program positively impacted (p–value < 0.05) for increasing health condition of CKD patients. According to the Pearson Correlation, the result revealed that increasing health condition of CKD patients (r >0.5 and close to 1, p-value<0.05) has a strong relationship with the SMS awareness program. Further the analysis of variance results concluded that (p-value = 0.008), there is a correlation between the number of referred SMSs and the increase of health condition. Thus, this would be better explained to improve the higher life expectancy of CKD patients.
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