Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management

Predicting Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Plasticity in Brazilian Patients
Catalina Ramírez-Rivas 1, Jorge Alfaro-Pérez 1, Patricio Ramírez-Correa 1 * , Ari Mariano-Melo 2
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1 Universidad Católica del Norte, Coquimbo, CHILE
2 Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, BRAZIL
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Research Article

Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 2021 - Volume 6 Issue 1, Article No: em0135

Published Online: 20 Jan 2021

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Ramírez-Rivas et al., 2021)
Reference: Ramírez-Rivas, C., Alfaro-Pérez, J., Ramírez-Correa, P., & Mariano-Melo, A. (2021). Predicting Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Plasticity in Brazilian Patients. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 6(1), em0135.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Ramírez-Rivas C, Alfaro-Pérez J, Ramírez-Correa P, Mariano-Melo A. Predicting Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Plasticity in Brazilian Patients. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2021;6(1):em0135.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Ramírez-Rivas C, Alfaro-Pérez J, Ramírez-Correa P, Mariano-Melo A. Predicting Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Plasticity in Brazilian Patients. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2021;6(1), em0135.
In-text citation: (Ramírez-Rivas et al., 2021)
Reference: Ramírez-Rivas, Catalina, Jorge Alfaro-Pérez, Patricio Ramírez-Correa, and Ari Mariano-Melo. "Predicting Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Plasticity in Brazilian Patients". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management 2021 6 no. 1 (2021): em0135.
In-text citation: (Ramírez-Rivas et al., 2021)
Reference: Ramírez-Rivas, C., Alfaro-Pérez, J., Ramírez-Correa, P., and Mariano-Melo, A. (2021). Predicting Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Plasticity in Brazilian Patients. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 6(1), em0135.
In-text citation: (Ramírez-Rivas et al., 2021)
Reference: Ramírez-Rivas, Catalina et al. "Predicting Telemedicine Adoption: An Empirical Study on the Moderating Effect of Plasticity in Brazilian Patients". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, vol. 6, no. 1, 2021, em0135.
Predicting behaviors around telemedicine acceptance in developing countries is an important developing area of study. This importance has been enhanced since the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in Latin America. In this context, this study aims to explore the effect of plasticity on telemedicine acceptance in Brazil. This paper focuses on Brazilian patients and their acceptance of telemedicine through the Theory of Planned Behavior and the concept of Plasticity as a superordinate factor of the patients’ personality traits. An online survey of Brazilian patients was carried out, and structural model modeling was then utilized. Results indicate that the proposed model explains 62.1% of the behavioral intention of the use of telemedicine by the patients. Furthermore, the findings suggest that attitude has the most substantial direct effect on behavioral intention, with plasticity playing a considerable role in the strength of the impact. Government strategies for the spread of telemedicine in Latin America could consider these results for their design.
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