Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management

Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study
Irfan Ali 1, W.J.H. van Groenendaal 2 * , H. Weigand 2
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1 Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, PAKISTAN
2 Tilburg University, Tilburg, THE NETHERLANDS
* Corresponding Author
Research Article

Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 2020 - Volume 5 Issue 1, Article No: em0109

Published Online: 06 Mar 2020

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Ali et al., 2020)
Reference: Ali, I., van Groenendaal, W., & Weigand, H. (2020). Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 5(1), em0109.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Ali I, van Groenendaal W, Weigand H. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2020;5(1):em0109.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Ali I, van Groenendaal W, Weigand H. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2020;5(1), em0109.
In-text citation: (Ali et al., 2020)
Reference: Ali, Irfan, W.J.H. van Groenendaal, and H. Weigand. "Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management 2020 5 no. 1 (2020): em0109.
In-text citation: (Ali et al., 2020)
Reference: Ali, I., van Groenendaal, W., and Weigand, H. (2020). Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 5(1), em0109.
In-text citation: (Ali et al., 2020)
Reference: Ali, Irfan et al. "Enterprise Resource Planning Systems Implementation and Firm Performance: An Empirical Study". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, vol. 5, no. 1, 2020, em0109.
Adopting an ERP system is a challenge for any firm and the problems associated with it initially often negatively affect the adopting firm’s profitability as measured through a firm’s main financial indicators. Also for a longer period of time after implementation the empirical results on adoption are mixed, although more positive results have been reported in recent years. However, over the many years of implementing ERP systems much knowledge has been gained on how to improve the implementation process and speeding up the realization of the benefits. This research investigates whether Pakistani manufacturing firms profited from this by realizing the financial benefits early on. This is empirically tested by comparing ten financial performance indicators of firms that adopted an ERP system to that of non-adopters between 2002 and 2012. The results show that they benefitted from the start, but not in all areas.
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