Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management

An Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Transactive Memory System on Software Development Team Performance
Hamsheed Salamut 1, M Yasser Chuttur 1 *
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1 University of Mauritius, Reduit, Moka, MAURITIUS
* Corresponding Author
Research Article

Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 2020 - Volume 5 Issue 3, Article No: em0117

Published Online: 30 Jun 2020

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APA 6th edition
In-text citation: (Salamut & Chuttur, 2020)
Reference: Salamut, H., & Chuttur, M. Y. (2020). An Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Transactive Memory System on Software Development Team Performance. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 5(3), em0117.
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Salamut H, Chuttur MY. An Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Transactive Memory System on Software Development Team Performance. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2020;5(3):em0117.
AMA 10th edition
In-text citation: (1), (2), (3), etc.
Reference: Salamut H, Chuttur MY. An Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Transactive Memory System on Software Development Team Performance. J INFORM SYSTEMS ENG. 2020;5(3), em0117.
In-text citation: (Salamut and Chuttur, 2020)
Reference: Salamut, Hamsheed, and M Yasser Chuttur. "An Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Transactive Memory System on Software Development Team Performance". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management 2020 5 no. 3 (2020): em0117.
In-text citation: (Salamut and Chuttur, 2020)
Reference: Salamut, H., and Chuttur, M. Y. (2020). An Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Transactive Memory System on Software Development Team Performance. Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, 5(3), em0117.
In-text citation: (Salamut and Chuttur, 2020)
Reference: Salamut, Hamsheed et al. "An Empirical Study to Investigate the Effect of Transactive Memory System on Software Development Team Performance". Journal of Information Systems Engineering and Management, vol. 5, no. 3, 2020, em0117.
Software development often involves teams of developers interacting with each other to develop a software product or service. Given that individuals in the same team may have varying expertise and knowledge, it is believed that proper management of Transactive Memory System (TMS) or group knowledge within a team is more likely to ensure optimum team performance. In this study, we test this hypothesis by using an experiment in which we compare the performance of different teams with different TMS in solving the same software related problems. Our results indicate it is under certain conditions, that teams with higher TMS will usually achieve better performance than teams with lower TMS.
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